About James E. Jackson
A Leader from Leigh St. (RichmondMag)
James E. Jackson Writings (Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, NYPL)
Select works by James E. Jackson
Revolutionary Tracings in World Politics and Black Liberation (call number)
The View From Here: [Commentaries on Peace and Freedom] (call number)
The Bold, Bad ’60s (call number)
The Philosophy of Communism (.pdf)
Pamphlet: At the Funeral of Medgar Evers in Jackson, Mississippi: A Tribute in Tears and a Thrust for Freedom (National Museum of African American History and Culture) (.pdf)
U.S. Negroes in Battle: from Little Rock to Watts (A Diary of Events, 1957-1965) (call number)
The book was published in the Soviet Union in 1967. The Russian text on the copyright page translates as: James Jackson. U.S. Negroes in Battle. In English